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Writing For The Web-Ten Ways To Make Money

The Web is a writer’s medium. If you’re looking for your next writing gig, look on the Web. Hundreds of thousands of Web sites are only too eager to pay writers to write for them, so finding buyers for your writing is easy.

One point: while there are many paying gigs for writers online, and you should (usually) aim to be paid for your writing, there are also many sites which will ask you to write for “exposure”. In some circumstances, this can work – perhaps you’re promoting a Web site or a book, and want to be published by a particular site because it’s a great credit.

In general though, if you want to be paid for writing for the Web, ignore those who want you to write for free. There’s an easy way to find paying gigs. Just type “pay” into the search query field in any search engine (Yahoo, Google, MSN), with the kind of writing you want to do. For example, if you want to be paid for writing reviews, enter “paid reviews” with quotes, into your favorite search engine.

Let’s look at ten EASY ways to make money writing for the Web:

One: Articles And Essays

Whatever your interests, you can get paid to write articles and essays about those interests online. When you write an article for the online world, remember that you’re writing for the Web, so your writing should be less dense than it would be for print.

Two: Reviews

You can review books, DVDs, services, electronics, vacations – whatever your interests, you’ll find sites which will happily pay you for reviews.

Three: Blogs

If you haven’t yet discovered the wonderful world of instant publishing, get acquainted with blogs. Some blogging gigs pay very well. Freelance bloggers, also known as pro bloggers, make great incomes blogging for a variety of sites – I’ve heard of a couple of bloggers with 30 blogs for which they write. Their income? Excellent.

Four: Ebooks

From a slow start in around 2000, ebooks have become a commodity that’s in high demand in 2007. Most ebooks are short, around 30 pages, although some can be 150 pages. In word length, they vary between 5000 and 25,000 words.

Everyone wants ebooks – companies, marketers, Web site owners… If you enjoy writing longer projects, get into the ebook writing marketplace.

Five: Reports

Reports are baby cousins to ebooks. They’re shorter, usually only two to three thousand words in length, and are easy to write. As with ebooks, reports are in high demand.

Six: Short Stories

A variety of sites publish short stories for their site visitors. If you like writing fiction, you can write stories which are published in full, or stories which run as episodes, and which will be sent out to readers.

Seven: Tutorials

What do you know how to do? Whatever your skills, you can teach them to others by creating tutorials. The sky’s the limit here, so let your inspiration be your guide.

Eight: Tips

Some sites publish thousands of tips, others send out tips as email messages. As with tutorials, whatever your skills, package them as tips and sell them to eager buyers.

Nine: Affiliate Sales Materials

Affiliate marketing is big online. (Google the term if it’s new to you.) Because it’s such a big industry, Internet marketers hire writers to write marketing materials, ebooks and reports.

Ten: Opinions

Got an opinion about something? You can express your opinions online and be paid for the privilege.

There you have it – ten EASY ways you can make money writing for the Web. I’ve only scratched the surface here. I haven’t touched on those Web writing gigs which require copywriting expertise, like writing Web site content and Web sales pages. The above are gigs that any writer can scoop up.

The gigs are out there. Go get them.

How to Write a Movie Review?

In website content writing, writing movie reviews can be fun. We all love to watch movies and sometimes we want to know what other’s opinions are about a particular movie before deciding whether to watch the movie or not. Therefore article writing about a film you watched will help others to make a decision. Let’s discuss some tips to write a good movie review.

All of us have diverse opinions about a film. Article writing a review gives you a way to express your opinion and also helps others to know about the same.

Before you start content writing about a movie, you need to watch it. You can either watch these movies online or rent a DVD or visit your nearest multiplex. There are many websites that allow streaming of movies online.

Once your movie is chosen, getting acquainted with the theme of the movie is very important. Go online and gather some information about the actors in the movie. Check out their previous and upcoming works, whether they have any awards to their name, do they expertise in a particular style of acting, etc. also in content writing, it is important to read about the movie that you have chosen. Read what the movie is all about, whether it is sequel or a remake, the rest of the cast and crew, etc. This information will help you to compare the performance of the cast and crew in the movie of your choice to their earlier work. This is important as it will provide more solidity to the article writing for your review.

You will automatically form an opinion about the movie once you have seen it completely. Try and frame one single sentence that will highlight your opinion about the movie. This sentence will help you give an overall rating to the movie and at the same time your readers will have an instant idea about your opinion. In content writing, such sentences form a solid platform for your review.

While content writing for a review one important aspect is to grab the attention of your reader instantly. This is applicable to any form of website content writing. Your readers must draw interest from what you have to say about anything. Regarding article writing for movie reviews, start your article with a quote from the movie itself. Then gradually explain to you reader how the quote is applicable to the rest of the movie.

Next step is to discuss about the movie in brief. While content writing a review, always give a vague outline about the movie and do not disclose the entire story. You will want to give a general idea to the readers about the movie and not write to make them refrain from watching the movie. If they need to know the entire story, they will have to watch it. Always keep this in mind while article writing for a movie.

You must back your opinion about the film with proofs. Explain exactly why according to you, the movie was a drag or a hit. Mention noteworthy scenes and at the same time those that you thought were unnecessary. While article writing about the movie, you must mention about the script of the movie giving your opinion whether it was a good or bad script.

You must make your review enjoyable. It does not matter whether you enjoyed the movie or not, your article writing for the movie must be engrossing. From the beginning to the end your review should be interesting and at the same time brief.

Lastly, be honest with your content writing. Your motive to write a review must be to let others know about your opinion and not to stop anyone from watching the movie.

So, write a good review! We will be helped a lot with honest and sincere opinions about movies.